(This will be your Username)
If you have any questions or require further information about the Connex PSP, please contact your Grifols Sales Representative.
1. Patients enrolled in the PSP are eligible to receive self-administration training with a PSP nurse and infusion-related consumables. Please confirm if patients will require at-home self-administration training with a PSP nurse and infusion-related consumables or consumables only? *
2. Patients will be required to meet the program’s competency criteria per Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) guidelines available here: [Training Checklist for Home Administered Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIg) Infusion Treatment (allergy.org.au)]. *
2a. Are patients also required to meet additional, hospital/clinic specific infusion competency criteria?
3. Does the Connex PSP nurse providing the at-home training have to be assessed/validated or trained by the hospital/clinic/local area health? *
Please set your login details to access the XEMBIFY Connex PSP portal. Please select your own strong password with at least 8 characters in length and includes 1 capital letter,numbers and symbols.
Grifols Australia reserves the right to modify or restrict the mechanisms for participation in the Connex PSP at any time without notice. Should any of these actions be taken all participants in the program will be informed as soon as possible via email/SMS and the program coordinator. A period to transition the patients on the PSP back to the hospital management may be required to assist with patients' adherence to their treatment.
Nuevo Health (an IQVIA Company) coordinates this program on behalf of Grifols Australia.
For additional information about the PSP or for program technical assistance, please contact connexpsp@nuevohealth.com.au or call 1800 313 033 between Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm AEST/AEDT.
Nuevo Health privacy policy: Privacy - IQVIA
I understand that my institution can end their involvement in the Connex PSP at any time by contacting my Grifols Sales Representative or the Connex Program Coordinator.
A copy of this signed Consent Form will be sent to the nominated email address.
Manufactured by: Grifols Therapeutics LLC 8368 US Hwy 70 West Clayton, North Carolina 27520 USA Tel. +1 919 553 5011 www.grifols.com
Sponsored by: Grifols Australia Pty Ltd Unit 5/80 Fairbank Road, Clayton South VIC 3169, Australia Tel. +61 3 9535 9333 Email: australia_info@grifols.com
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